How to stay sane during the coronavirus lockdown

How to stay sane during the coronavirus lockdown

Whether you’re cooped up in your student accommodation with your flatmates or you made the journey back home before the government-imposed lockdown, the chances are that you are feeling fed up. Being stuck indoors for an extended period of is no fun for anyone, but it is a necessary evil and will hopefully help to reduce the spread of the coronavirus in the UK.

Below, we’ve put together some tips and tricks on staying sane during the lockdown… 

Develop a new routine

Perhaps one of the most challenging things about the coronavirus lockdown is that our usual routines have been affected. We’re creatures of habit, and though there’s nothing better than a day off now and again, not being able to go to work or university can mess with your head.

Develop a new routine to help you create a ‘new normal’ in these exceptional circumstances. 

Get up at the same time every day, have a shower, get dressed, and set out some tasks you want to complete. If you keep yourself busy and follow a pattern day in, day out, you’ll likely get comfortable with lockdown life and will be less frustrated by the fact you can’t go outside.

Do some work where possible

If you’re a student, the chances are that lectures are going ahead virtually and that your dissertation deadline is looming. It’s easy to panic and think that working from home will limit your potential, but studying and preparing an assignment will keep your brain occupied and allow you to gain that qualification you’ve been working so hard to achieve. Make sure you take advantage of lecturers and support staff where you can; they’re available via email and phone to answer any questions you may have and help you achieve the best possible grade.

Go for a daily walk outdoors

The government is advising against all but essential travel but encourages citizens to head outdoors for daily exercise. Whether you stick on your headphones and blast your favourite album on a jog or you take a slow stroll around your neighbourhood with the dog, getting out of the house for some fresh air will aid your mental and physical health, so don’t put it off.

When you are out for a walk, keep a safe distance from others - cross the road when you can - and wash your hands as soon as you get home to reduce the spread of the virus.


Keep in touch with your loved ones

It’s easy to feel cut off right now, especially if you’re a social butterfly and spend most of your time in the students’ union sipping drinks with friends. Make an effort to FaceTime your pals if you’re feeling down, and host a virtual night out - you can all join the call and have a glass of fizz from the comfort of your living room, gossiping and cheering each other up. The same goes for your family; reach out to those who you’re missing and put a smile on their face.

And whether you’re living with mum and dad or university pals, spend some time with others in your household, too. Don’t become a hermit glued to your phone in your bedroom; be sociable and play a board game, binge Disney+ movies with some popcorn, and have fun.  

Pick up a new hobby

With so much free time on your hands, you’re going to get bored. Now is the time to pick up a hobby, whether you start a blog, play a new video game or get creative with crafting. Here are a few ideas you can try from home, without needing to order supplies from the internet: 

  • At home workouts: There are thousands of free online gym classes right now, so take advantage of personal trainers and brands and get fit from your living room. Joe Wicks’ daily PE sessions are designed for kids, but they’re good fun for adults, too.
  • Learn how to cook: Raid your cupboards for flour and eggs and follow a tutorial to make a cake for the whole family. Once you’ve mastered the victoria sponge, play around with herbs and spices when cooking a chicken dinner; MasterChef is calling!
  • Meditate: it’s impossible to watch the news nowadays without feeling anxious, so start meditating to unwind in these crazy times. You can do it anywhere you like, it’s free, and there’s a bunch of resources you can download to aid in your relaxation.

There’s no denying that the next few months will be challenging, but if you keep yourself busy and stay positive, you’ll find it much easier. Stay safe and stay at home - together, we’ll overcome this virus! If you and your housemates have left a property vacant to return home and want to reduce your household bills, click here and let Billing Better help you.